2020 was a dismal year for restaurants and Horeca industry in general.

In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, hospitality business has set up spaces to eat outdoors, a trend that will probably increase in the years to come.

Alfa initially suffered the consequences of the restrictions put in place to stem the spread of the virus, recording a slight decline in demand for products from the commercial range perfectly understandable in a climate of huge turmoil for the hospitality industry at large.

Then, the need to rethink restaurant activities in outdoor structures such as food trucks or to transform dine-in establishments into food delivery services has boosted demand for compact commercial ovens more suitable to cook takeaway meals or to be installed on vehicles.

National and world trends in the Horeca sector: 2021 for Alfa Forni

Solidarity, support and insight: how Alfa faced the 2020 crisis

«From the very beginning of the year that just ended» – says Sara Lauro – we sensed that something big was about to happen with news anything but cheering coming from the Far East and the clear feeling that national and world trends in the restaurant business were not in sync with what we were perceiving.

The fear that the SARS-CoV-2 could spread quickly all around the world was becoming more evidence-based, it was shaking several markets and it brooked no delay, forcing us to take some action to tackle an invisible enemy.

The world was in trouble and our partners and customers needed someone to reassure them more than ever.

So, we have decided to confront this critical issue by supporting them and by taking some measures to help them weather this storm.


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National and world trends in the Horeca sector: 2021 for Alfa Forni
National and world trends in the Horeca sector: 2021 for Alfa Forni

Revamping our commercial range of products: a new approach to market demands

2020 has been not only a year characterised by an urgent need for support and solidarity but also one where every forecast got horribly wrong.

Our partners sought reassurance about our manufacturing and sale habits and our ability to adapt ourselves to a rapidly changing context.

If, until few weeks earlier, the demand for commercial products was mainly directed to large and powerful models suitable to meet the needs of restaurants or pizzerias, now, all of the sudden, the customers have shifted their attention to high-performing, smaller ovens ready to be used in a more flexible way, for instance to equip a food truck.

Alfa acted immediately to respond to market changes by refurbishing the range of commercial ovens to make them fitter for the challenges and the opportunities in the post-Covid 19 world.

National and world trends in the Horeca sector: 2021 for Alfa Forni

Increasing productivity and adjusting to the new environment

«2021 will begin with a refurbishment aimed at satisfying market demand» explains Andrea Lauro, Alfa Forni’s Head of Operations.

«The year that is coming to an end has seen a significant upheaval in the hospitality business. Despite the coronavirus crisis, the company rose to the occasion, increasing its production capacity and improving its ability to face the new challenges of the industry professionals.

So, given the changing context, we have revamped our commercial line to provide tools increasingly fit for meeting the needs that 2021 will bring along.»

A step change in line with the expectations of our partners to take advantage of all the business opportunities that loom ahead.