Saintes-Maries-de-la-mer, France, 24 June 2017, 8 a.m. a pleasant breeze is blowing, garden wood-fired ovens and barbecues are in place; everything is ready for the long-awaited “Championnat de France de Barbecue” and the first edition of the “Championnat de France de Pizza maison”. At 11 a.m. the battle begins!

The two-day event organised jointly by Alfa Pizza and Weber was undoubtedly a huge success in the spirit of fun, outdoor cooking and good food!

For the BBQ contest, now in its fourth edition, 107 teams from all across France duelled to test their ability of serial grillers.

For the pizza competition, 45 teams challenged each other to make their best pizzas ever. The contest consisted of making two pizzas, the former “freestyle” and the latter by choosing one among Royale, 4 Formaggi and Margherita.

Two cooking areas with the original 5 Minuti wood-burning oven, some pizza peels, a worktop, plenty of flour and so much cheerfulness and creativity were the main ingredients of this event. The weirdest pizza? That with melon, chicken and champignons topping; and the most innovative one? The pizza with marinated salmon cooked on the barbecue.

The winner, Franck Clément, that we congratulate for being a true amateur pizza chef, wowed the jury with his well-balanced pizza 4 formaggi and his moreish freestyle pizza.

Thanks to all the amateur pizza makers and we hope to see you at the next challenge!