Calculating nutrition facts and calories for a pizza made in a pizzeria can be pretty hard but this surely won’t prevent you from scoffing all of it.

If, on the other hand, you can make a delicious, home-made pizza that you will bake in your wood-fired oven, you can easily track the calories and macronutrients such as carbs, proteins and fats choosing the ingredients that are more to your taste.


Now, we will tell you a truth that remains largely unknown: pizza doesn’t make you fat!

If pizza is part of your balanced weekly calorie intake, you can eat it every Saturday night without feeling guilty.

A pizza Margherita, for instance, is a rich, healthy dish that has about 1 200 calories and all the macros you need.

Now let’s count the calories of some pizzas.

How many calories does pizza have? Pizza doesn’t make you fat! | Alfa Forni

Calorie calculator of a home-made Margherita.

Carbohydrates: for a 280 g dough ball for one 30 cm (12 in) home-made pizza, just use 180 g of flour (no matter the type of it) that has about 130 g of carbs equal to 620 calories.

Protein: 9 to 12 g per 100 g of flour; 30 g per 150 g of mozzarella (360 calories)

Fat: 25 g per 150 g of mozzarella; 10 g of olive oil equal to 90 calories.

Considering 200 g of tomato passata, add 50 calories.

Ingredients kcal
Flour 180 g 620
Mozzarella 150 g 360
Tomato passata 200 g 50
Olive oil 10 g 90
TOTAL 1.120 kcal


Let’s do the same calculations with different pizza toppings.

How many calories does pizza have? Pizza doesn’t make you fat! | Alfa Forni

Calorie calculator of a home-made Pizza “crostino”

In this variant of Roman pizza, topped with prosciutto and mozzarella, we add 80 g of prosciutto (180 calories) and subtract 200 g of tomato passata (50 calories).

Ingredients kcal
Flour 180 g 620
Mozzarella 200 g 500
Prosciutto 80 g 180
Olive oil 10 g 90
TOTAL 1.390 kcal
How many calories does pizza have? Pizza doesn’t make you fat! | Alfa Forni

Calorie calculator of a home-made Pizza Ortolana.

This is a vegetable pizza that keeps the base of flour and mozzarella, so to reduce the calorie intake, we suggest lowering the quantity of cheese and not drizzling olive oil over it. To bake a delicious Ortolana, julienne the veg and top with mozzarella only when the pizza is hot out of the oven.

Ingredients kcal
Flour 180 g 620
Mozzarella 200 g 500
Bell peppers, aubergines, courgettes 50
Olive oil 10 g 90
TOTAL 1.260 kcal
How many calories does pizza have? Pizza doesn’t make you fat! | Alfa Forni

Calorie calculator of a home-made Pizza Quattro Formaggi.

This extremely tasty pizza has a high caloric value as it’s topped with four different cheeses. In our recipe, we opted for the classic combination of mozzarella, Gorgonzola, Fontina and Parmesan but there is plenty of choice indeed.

Ingredients kcal
Flour 180 g 620
Mozzarella 100 g 240
Gorgonzola 60 g 190
Fontina 70 g 240
Parmesan 50 g 190
TOTAL 1.480 kcal



Certainly, you can’t indulge yourself with pizza every day, but nothing keeps you from eating it once in a while. If pizza is part of a well-balanced diet with proper ingredients, you can enjoy a scrumptious home-made one more often than you think! Enjoy ☺