Spring has finally arrived and summer is just around the corner. It is time to take that wood fired oven and prepare it for the weekends.

A great way to start the outdoor cooking season is a handy accessory that will help you in your cooking. An Alfa Pizza Pizza peel holder will help you organize your outdoor barbecues and also at the same time it will make you look like a talented cook at work in front of your friends and relatives. They will also easily fit in the surroundings of the garden and home.

So now you do not have to worry where to place that Pizza peel or Brass brush to clean the oven.The Pizza peel holder makes wood fired oven cooking simple and safe. So prepare to make tasty pizzas, grilled meat and that recipe that you always wanted to try. Click here or here to see which model and color suits your taste and needs.

Remember Alfa Pizza makes cooking outdoor meals fun and above all healthy. So to start that the outdoor cooking season call and ask your local dealer for the Alfa Pizza Pizza peel holder.